M4 Controller

Product Features
- 1/16 DIN Double action controller
- Configurable input, 1 CT and 1 digital input
- Up to 3 Digital outputs and 1 analogue output
- RS 485 ModBus RTU port (optional)
These 48x48 size controllers of the gammadue series, is suitable for a wide range of temperature control and process control applications. These controllers perform heat/cool control and provide an auxiliary current transformer input. Easy configuration and a simple operating mode are merged with the typical characteristics of more complex devices like: autotune, IP65 front panel protection, serial communications, continuous control output, custom linearisation, transmitter power supply, start-up and timer special functions.
Key Terms: Ascon - M4 - M4-3100-0000 - Gamma - Digital - Temperature Controller - Universal - Electronic Controller - Process Controller - PID